Access Keys:

St John the Baptist PS, Roscor, Belleek, Co. Fermanagh

Lough Derg Trip

5th May 2023

In preparation for their upcoming Confirmation, the P7 pupils and Mrs Brown had a lovely day trip to Lough Derg. They travelled with pupils from St Davog's and St Martin's primary school and were lucky to enjoy great weather. The boat wasn't as fast as some of the pupils would have liked, but they arrived safely on the island. Where they had a warm welcome before starting into activities. They built a tower from newspaper with the aim that it would stand on it own, this was to illustrate the importance of a solid foundation of our faith. They decorated the jam jar that they brought with them and these will be present on their conformation day. They were treated to a gift of pens and pencils, then had some free time to enjoy the shop.  After lunch they explored the beautiful grounds and the basicilica. A wonderful day out was had by all and we look forward now to the Confirmation.